[日時] 毎週月曜日15時から / [Date] Monday 15:00-
[場所] 合同C棟N507 大輪講室 / [Venue] Science Complex C N507
No | Date and Time (YYYY/MM/DD, HH:MM-) |
Venue | Speaker | Title |
1676 | 2022/04/04, 15:00- | Complex A 203 | 内山 久和 (愛媛大学) | 活動銀河核と周辺銀河の共進化 |
1677 | 2022/04/11, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 高橋 亘(東北大学) | Novel modeling of magneto-rotational stellar evolution |
1678 | 2022/04/18, 16:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 樫山 和己 (東北大学) | Fast radio bursts and related phenomena |
1679 | 2022/04/25, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | Hei Yin Jowett Chan (Tohoku University) | Diversity of the core-halo structure from the simulation of the Fuzzy Dark Matter Model |
1680 | 2022/05/09, 15:00- | Complex A 203 | Smaranika Banerjee (Tohoku University) | Early kilonova emission from neutron star mergers |
1681 | 2022/05/16, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 片桐 拓弥 (東北大学) | Tidal deformation of black holes in general relativity: From hidden symmetry |
1682 | 2022/05/23, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | Chris Packham (University of Texas at San Antonio / NAOJ) | Thermal-IR Observations of AGN: Why and near/long-term plans |
1683 | 2022/06/06, 16:00- | Online | 藤林 翔(Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics) | Mass ejection and nucleosynthesis in binary neutron star mergers leaving short-lived massive neutron stars |
1684 | 2022/06/13, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | Janek Pflugradt (Tohoku University) | Finding of a population of active galactic nuclei showing significant luminosity decline in the past ~103-104 yrs |
1685 | 2022/06/13, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | Mochammad Wardana (Tohoku University) | Higher-order velocity moments Jeans dynamical modeling |
1686 | 2022/06/20, 15:00- | Complex A 203 | Yu-Hsuan CHANG (Tohoku University) | 銀河系円盤の化学動力学と形成史: 恒星系のRadial migrationの調査 |
1687 | 2022/06/20, 15:00- | Complex A 203 | Zhaoran LIU (Tohoku University) | Large scale structures and galaxy evolution in a z=0.9 supercluster traced by unique pair narrow-band imaging |
1688 | 2022/06/27, 15:00- | Complex A 203 | 日下 暁人 (LBL / U. Tokyo) | Exploration of Inflation and Dark Universe through CMB Polarization |
1689 | 2022/07/04, 16:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 武藤 恭之 (工学院大学) | Substructures of Transitional Disks:Detection Methods and Statistics |
1690 | 2022/07/11, 15:00- | Large Lecture Room | 市川 幸平 (東北大学) | Multi-wavelength view of active galactic nuclei |
1691 | 2022/08/01, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 野田 博文(大阪大学) | X-ray studies of the vicinity to supermassive black holes and future prospects with XRISM |
1692 | 2022/09/01, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | Takahiro Morishita(Caltech) | Too early to claim a z~20 galaxy? Initial results from JWST early release programs |
1693 | 2022/09/06, 15:00- | Complex A 203 | 池田思朗(統計数理研究所) | Data science for future astronomy |
1694 | 2022/10/03, 16:00- | Aoba Science Hall | Mariko Kubo (Tohoku University) | Massive quiescent galaxies and environments in the early Universe |
1695 | 2022/10/06, 16:20- | Complex A 203 | Gerhard Hensler (University of Vienna) | Shaping galaxies in the Virgo Cluster |
1696 | 2022/10/10, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | Hamid Hamidani (Tohoku University) | The Cocoon Breakout and Emission in Binary Neutron Star Mergers |
1697 | 2022/10/17, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | Hajime Ogane (Tohoku University) | Study for performance improvement of Laser Tomographic Adaptive Optics |
1698 | 2022/10/24, 15:00- | Online | Naoaki Yamamoto (Tohoku University) | 宇宙の銀河形成最盛期以降における銀河団と銀河の進化 |
1699 | 2022/10/31, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | Yuichi Harikane (University of Tokyo) | A Comprehensive Study on Galaxies at z~9-17 Found in the Early JWST Data |
1700 | 2022/11/07, 16:00- | Aoba Science Hall | Kazuki Tokuda (Kyushu University) | Investigating the star formation process based on the low-metallicity Magellanic Clouds observations |
1701 | 2022/11/11, 16:20- | Aoba Science Hall | Rosemary Wyse (Johns Hopkins University) | The Old are Rich: Implications of the Old, Metal-Rich Milky Way |
1702 | 2022/11/14, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 長谷川 樹(東北大学) | rプロセス元素を合成する特殊な超新星爆発の観測的特徴 |
1703 | 2022/11/21, 16:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 鈴木 善久(東北大学) | HSC-SSPデータを用いた天の川銀河ハローのトモグラフィー |
1704 | 2022/11/21, 16:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 天崎 賢至(東北大学) | 星間塵の内部エネルギー制限を考慮した星間塵の熱史を追うシミュレーションコードの開発 |
1705 | 2022/11/28, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 室越 琳生(東北大学) | 原始重力波起源のCMB Bモード観測のための前景除去における、星間物質によるCMBモノポールの吸収の影響 |
1706 | 2022/11/28, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 福地 輝(東北大学) | 電波で明るいdust obscured galaxiesで探る超巨大ブラックホールへの超臨界ガス降着流とAGNフィードバックの理解 |
1707 | 2022/12/05, 16:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 星 篤志(東北大学) | 可視変光選択された活動銀河核から迫る銀河とブラックホール共進化 |
1708 | 2022/12/05, 16:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 佐久間 昂太(東北大学) | 中間赤方偏移における極端に大きな星形成率を示す銀河種族の探査 |
1709 | 2022/12/12, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 松井 理輝(東北大学) | 重力波に付随する高エネルギーニュートリノ信号の予言:コクーン光子の効果 |
1710 | 2022/12/12, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 金 滉基(東北大学) | 孤立ブラックホール磁気圏からの高エネルギーガンマ線放射とその検出可能性 |
1711 | 2022/12/19, 16:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 藤村 大夢(東北大学) | 直接崩壊シナリオによる巨大ブラックホールの種形成:輻射照射期間に対する条件について |
1712 | 2022/12/19, 16:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 赤澤 拓海(東北大学) | 補償光学系における大気揺らぎのTip-Tilt成分の補正性能の評価 |
1713 | 2023/01/16, 15:00- | Complex A 203 | Bing Theodore Zhang (Kyoto University) | The origin of VHE gamma-rays from GRBs |
1714 | 2023/01/20, 16:20- | Aoba Science Hall | Brian Thorsbro (University of Tokyo) | Clues to galaxy evolution from chemical abundances of stars in the Galactic center |
1715 | 2023/01/23, 16:00- | Aoba Science Hall | Kenneth Wong (NAOJ) | An Independent Measurement of H0 from Lensed Quasars |
1716 | 2023/01/30, 09:00- | Online | Po-Wen Chang (Ohio State University) | Towards Powerful Probes of Neutrino Self-Interactions in Supernovae |
1717 | 2023/02/15, 10:00- | Complex A 203 | Keiichi Wada (Kagoshima University) | The contact region of the BLR and dusty torus |
2022/04/04 (Mon)
内山 久和 (愛媛大学)
遠方宇宙には、銀河全体を凌駕するほどの非常に強い電磁波を放射している中心核 (活動銀河核) を持つ銀河が存在している。それらの電磁波の強さは絶大で、周辺銀河の形成・進化に影響を与えるほどであると期待されている。ゆえに、宇宙の進化や今後辿るその運命を正確に予想するためには、活動銀河核が発現する場所、ならびにそれらの放射の周辺 銀河への影響を定量的に理解することが必要不可欠である。しかしながら、これらの天体は稀な天体であるために、統計的な議論には (特に遠方 z>2 では) 全く至っていないのが現状である。我々はすばる望遠鏡搭載の Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) 等の可視光帯の広視野撮像観測装置によって遠方活動銀河核の周辺環境を統計的に特徴付けることにより、これらの問題に挑んだ。結果として、遠方の明るい活動銀河核は周辺密度環境によらず発現し、周辺の軽い銀河の形成を阻害する傾向にあるという示唆を得た。本講演では、これらの結果と、強力なジェットを発射している活動銀河核の環境についての最近の結果とを併せて紹介したい。
2022/04/11 (Mon)
高橋 亘 (東北大学)
Novel modeling of magneto-rotational stellar evolution
While magnetic fields have been considered to influence the evolution of non-degenerate and compact stars, it has become clear in recent years that actually all stars are deeply affected. We propose a new framework of stellar evolution simulation, in which intertwined evolution between the magnetic fields, the stellar rotation, and the stellar structure is treated self-consistently.
In this talk, I will report the results of the magneto-rotational evolution of 1.5 M stars, which have radiatively stratified envelopes during their main-sequence. We have found that the Lorentz force aided by the Omega-effect imposes torsional Alfven waves propagating through the magnetized medium, leading to near-rigid rotation within ~Alfven time. Our results of the hydrogen-burning stage can reproduce the main observed properties of Ap/Bp stars, and moreover, calculations continued to the red-giant regime show a pronounced core-envelope coupling, which reproduces the core and surface rotation periods determined by asteroseismic observations.
In addition, I will report the recent progress of developing a 1D scheme for representing the convective dynamo, which accounts for the magnetic activity of convective stars including the sun. Our new approach reproduces the most fundamental properties of this phenomenon, namely the magnetic field amplification as well as the cyclic behavior. We aim to provide the first comprehensive rotational evolution of solar-type stars ranging from the pre-main-sequence to the red-giant stages.
2022/04/18 (Mon)
樫山 和己 (東北大学)
Fast radio bursts and related phenomena
Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are an enigmatic phenomenon; trains of coherent radio waves are arriving from a cosmological distance for a millisecond. In this talk I will first review the evolution of FRB research since its discovery in 2007. The most promising source of FRB is neutron star (NS). In fact, a low-luminosity FRB has been detected from a strongly magnetized NS, SGR 1935+2154, simultaneously with an X-ray flare. Focusing on the NS model, I will describe the theoretical insights and challenges that recent observational achievements have implied : “What is the emission mechanism of FRB?”, “What type of NSs can be the source of FRB?”, and “How such NSs are formed with what type of explosive transients?”. Finally I will discuss prospects and strategies to provide a comprehensive answer to these questions.
2022/04/25 (Mon)
Hei Yin Jowett Chan (Tohoku University)
Diversity of the core-halo structure from the simulation of the Fuzzy Dark Matter Model
In comparison to the Cold Dark Matter, there are much less research efforts being invested in studying the structure formation of the Fuzzy Dark Matter (FDM) models. To advance our understanding of the model, our group developed a FDM simulation code, and performed soliton merger and cosmological simulation of the FDM model. Our results have improved the understanding of the core structure, as one of the unique feature of the FDM halo, by discovering a diversity in the core-halo structure. We will also discuss how the diversity could explain the inconsistency among different simulation groups, and its implication on nearby dwarf galaxies.
2022/05/09 (Mon)
Smaranika Banerjee (Tohoku University)
Early kilonova emission from neutron star mergers
The origin of heavy elements has long been predicted to be the binary neutron star merger. In the neutron-rich material ejected from the binary neutron star merger, heavy elements are synthesized via rapid neutron capture (r-process). The radioactive decay of such elements produces emissions in the ultraviolet-optical-infrared (UVOIR) range, called a kilonova (Li and Paczynsky 1998). The first kilonova from the binary neutron star merger was detected by the follow-up observation of the gravitational wave event GW170817. Although the radioactive decay of the heavy elements is confirmed to be the source of observation at the late time (t > 1 day), the origin of the emission detected in the early time (t < 1 day) is still unclear. The observational properties of the kilonova (light curve and spectra) depend on the bound-bound opacity of the heavy elements, which in turn, requires atomic calculations. In my talk, I will share some of our recent progress in modelling the early kilonova by focusing on the aspects of atomic opacity calculation.
2022/05/16 (Mon)
片桐 拓弥 (東北大学)
Tidal deformation of black holes in general relativity: From hidden symmetry
In binary systems of compact objects, when the orbital separation sufficiently decreases so that the tidal interaction becomes important, the objects will be deformed by the tidal field; this affects their orbital motion. The tidal deformability of the objects is encoded in a set of the so-called tidal Love numbers. These quantities are detectable imprints in gravitational-wave signals from binary systems. With these properties, measurements of the tidal Love numbers will be a novel way to explore extreme environments around black holes and to test theories of gravity in the strong-field regime. It is known that the tidal Love numbers of Schwarzschild and Kerr black holes are precisely zero. A natural question then arises: What is the origin of the lack of tidal deformation? Is that a unique feature of black holes in vacuum in general relativity?
In this talk, I will report our recent work on this problem. I will first explain the basics of black holes in general relativity and their static response to an external tidal field. After that, the previous works on this topic and a ladder operator from spacetime symmetry we use will be reviewed. I will then argue the vanishing of the tidal Love numbers in terms of hidden symmetry governing static tidal perturbations to black holes. If time permits, I will further discuss the symmetry breaking due to a slight modification of effective potentials for perturbations, giving nonzero tidal Love numbers.
2022/05/23 (Mon)
Chris Packham (University of Texas at San Antonio / NAOJ)
Thermal-IR Observations of AGN: Why and near/long-term plans
As we excitedly await the opportunities that JWST will provide, and the 30m class telescopes after that, the field of thermal-IR (TIR) astronomy continues to gather attention. In this talk, I discuss AGN TIR work, in both the science and instrumentation arenas. I use this to illustrate the path I hope to follow in the coming years. In the final section I discuss some changes the pandemic has brought to teaching and research at UTSA.
2022/06/06 (Mon)
藤林 翔(Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics)
Mass ejection and nucleosynthesis in binary neutron star mergers leaving short-lived massive neutron stars
We performed numerical relativity simulations for merger and post-merger phases of mergers of binary neutron stars with different mass ratios to investigate the dependence of the ejecta properties on the binary mass ratio for the case in which the remnant massive neutron stars collapse into black holes 3-20 ms after the merger. It is found that the solar abundance of the r-process nuclei is approximately reproduced irrespective of the mass ratio of the merging binary.
The reason for this is as follows:
The dynamical ejecta is more neutron-rich for the merger of more asymmetric binary, which results in more production of heavier r-process nuclei and more severe underproduction of lighter r-process nuclei compared to the solar abundance of r-process nuclei. On the other hand, the post-merger ejecta has only a mild neutron-richness irrespective of the mass ratio, which results in the production of lighter r-process nuclei. Importantly, the post-merger ejecta is more massive for the merger of a more asymmetric binary. As a result, the underproduced lighter r-process nuclei for the asymmetric merger are compensated by the post-merger ejecta.
2022/06/13 (Mon)
Janek Pflugradt (Tohoku University)
Finding of a population of active galactic nuclei showing significant luminosity decline in the past ~103-104 yrs
Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are a key population to understand the growth of supermassive black holes (SMBHs).
Recent observations have revealed an interesting AGN subclass that shows strong activity at large scales (1 kpc) but weaker at small scales (<10 pc), suggesting a strong change in the mass accretion rate of the central engine in the past 103-4 yr.
We systematically search for such so-called declining or fading AGN
by cross-matching the SDSS type-1 AGN catalog at z<0.4, covering the [OIII] emission line which is a tracer for the narrow-line region (NLR) emission, with the WISE mid-infrared (MIR) catalog covering the emissions from the dusty tori. Out of the 7,653 sources, we found 57 AGN whose bolometric luminosities estimated from the MIR band are at least one order of magnitude fainter than those estimated from the [OIII] emission line. This declining population shows four important properties: 1) the past AGN activity estimated from the [OIII] line reaches around the Eddington-limit, 2) more than 30% of the luminosity declining AGN candidates show a large absolute variability of Delta W1>0.45 mag in the previous ~10 yr at the WISE 3.4um band, 3) the median [NII] over Ha line ratio of log([NII]/Ha) is -0.52, suggesting a higher contamination from the HII region on the observed emission lines 4) the second epoch spectra of the population indicate a spectral type change (so called a changing-look phenomenon) for the 31% of the sources. This population provides key insights on the possible connection between the luminosity decline which started ~103-4 yr ago out of a higher eddington phase into a phase with high variability in a 10 yr time scale.
2022/06/13 (Mon)
Mochammad Wardana (Tohoku University)
Higher-order velocity moments Jeans dynamical modeling
The core-cusp problem is one of the long-standing sub-galactic challenges faced by Cold Dark Matter
(CDM) theory. Although new dark matter theories are being proposed as one of the alternatives to
solve the problem, it is, in fact, still unclear whether the cored density profile in dwarf galaxies does
exist or is just a consequence of dynamical modeling limitations. The source of difficulties mainly
comes from the existence of degeneracy between the mass distribution and velocity anisotropy of
tracers. Completely relying on the line-of-sight velocity and projected positions data, breaking the
degeneracy requires more constraints in the dynamical modeling. Our group incorporates
higher-order line-of-sight velocity moments, in addition to the second-order moments, in order to
explore their ability to constrain dark matter density profile in dwarf spheroidal galaxies through
Jeans dynamical modeling. We will also discuss the prospects of our model to be applied to Prime
Focus Spectrograph (PFS) data.
2022/06/20 (Mon)
Yu-Hsuan CHANG (Tohoku University)
銀河系円盤の化学動力学と形成史: 恒星系のRadial migrationの調査
宇宙に存在する銀河の7割以上は我々が住む天の川銀河のような円盤銀河である。したがって、銀河系円盤の形成史を解明することが重要であり、そのためには円盤にある恒星系の化学動力学を調べる必要がある。ここで、近年恒星系の動径移動 (Radial migration)の役割に関して議論されているが、その明確な証拠が観測データから見つかっていなかった。そこで本研究では、APOKASC-2のKepler星震学データに基づいて導出された年齢データ、APOGEE DR14の分光データ、さらにGaia EDR3の運動データを使って太陽近傍にある恒星の化学動力学を調査した。そして、恒星系の年齢と金属量の関係を詳しく調べた結果、Radial migrationの証拠を発見した。さらに、先行研究の銀河系円盤のシミュレーションと比較した結果、銀河系の衛星銀河であるいて座矮小楕円体銀河の二回目の接近がRadial migrationを引き起こした原因であることが示唆された。
2022/06/20 (Mon)
Zhaoran LIU (Tohoku University)
Large scale structures and galaxy evolution in a z=0.9 supercluster traced by unique pair narrow-band imaging
In growing large scale structures, galaxies therein are not only regulated by internal processes, but are also affected by external processes such as interactions with other neighboring galaxies or intra-cluster gas. Our goal is to understand the physics behind such environmentally dependent galaxy formation and evolution.However, the largest difficulty that has been hampering us to obtain the fundamental but critical quantity such as star formation rate, is how we correct for dust extinction accurately. Balmer decrement technique is known to be the best indicator of dust extinction.
In this work, we take a unique approach that utilizes two narrow-band filters (on SWIMS and HSC) which can neatly capture H-alpha and H-beta lines and thus Balmer decrement only with “imaging” for the first time. Our science target is CL1604 supercluster at z=0.9 stretching over 100Mpc in comoving scale. We have so far completed H-alpha and J-band imaging for one SWIMS pointing, and have detected 12 H-alpha emitter candidates in a galaxy group in the supercluster, and we are comparing the properties of those emitters, including MIPS counterparts (starbursts), with those in a richer cluster in the same supercluster (our previous work, Asano et al. 2020) to investigate the environmental effects. We will also describe the whole concept of this unique program and its future prospects.
2022/06/27 (Mon)
日下 暁人 (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory / University of Tokyo)
Exploration of Inflation and Dark Universe through CMB Polarization
In the coming decade, we foresee a rich and fruitful evolution in the field of cosmic microwave background (CMB) observations. Polarization measurements at degree angular scales constrain possible primordial gravitational waves, probing inflation and quantum fluctuations of gravity. Polarization fluctuations at arcmin angular scales, on the other hand, trace the growth of large-scale structure via gravitational lensing effects. These data sets are rich for measuring dark energy, the neutrino mass, and the evolution of galaxies and clusters. There also are emerging possibility of observing variability of microwave sky to constrain cosmic Axions. In this talk, I will review these CMB science and some of the recent results from CMB observations. I will also discuss some challenges we are facing with a next-generation project such as Simons Observatory, and how we aim to overcome these challenges.
2022/07/04 (Mon)
武藤 恭之 (工学院大学)
Substructures of Transitional Disks:Detection Methods and Statistics
ALMA has provided us with the images of protoplanetary disks at ~10au resolution. Spatially resolved observations of protoplanetary disks have revealed that disks generally harbor substructures. Structures in disks provide us with information about physical and chemical environment for planet formation. In the talk, we present an overview of ring structures of protoplanetary disks, with particular focuses on transitional disks, which are disks harboring dust-depleted inner holes. We briefly present the methods to analyze data directly in the visibility domain and show several cases with asymmetric ring structures and/or compact inner disks, which have not been indicated by Spectral Energy Distribution (SED). We present statistics of such structures and discuss the origin of them. Finally, we show that ring structures have been observed in young systems, indicating various origin of disk structures.
2022/07/11 (Mon)
市川 幸平 (東北大学)
Multi-wavelength view of active galactic nuclei
Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are a key population to understand the
mass assembly phase of supermassive black holes (SMBHs).
One beauty point of AGN is their visibility in the wide wavelength
bands from radio to X-ray, and each frequency gives
unique information on AGN radiation mechanism as well as the emission
components with different physical scales.
In this talk, I will talk how the combination of multiwavelength
information help us to understand
the early, rapidly growing, and final quenching phase of SMBHs,
especially by focusing two populations.
One is a fading AGN population, which have been discovered thanks to
the recent multiwavelength coverage
2022/08/01 (Mon)
野田 博文(大阪大学)
X-ray studies of the vicinity to supermassive black holes and future prospects with XRISM
X-ray observations of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) are one of the most efficient ways to probe the vicinity to Super Massive Black Holes (SMBHs). A variable X-ray continuum is produced via inverse Compton scattering in a corona formed near a SMBH, and it is reprocessed by surrounding materials such as an accretion disk, a broad-line region, and a dusty torus, causing fluorescence lines and a reflection component. Therefore, by checking X-ray spectra and time variabilities, we can study the physical condition and geometry of hot plasmas and cold materials near SMBHs. In this talk, I present an overview of X-ray observations of AGNs, and introduce our results of SMBH accretion flows and their state transitions in highly-variable AGNs, comparing to Galactic black hole binaries. Furthermore, in this Japanese fiscal year, the next X-ray astronomical satellite XRISM is planned to be launched, and an unprecedentedly high energy resolution will be achieved by the X-ray microcalorimeter in orbit. I also introduce the current status of the development and future prospects with XRISM.
2022/09/01 (Thu)
Takahiro Morishita(Caltech)
Too early to claim a z~20 galaxy? Initial results from JWST early release programs
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) started its scientific operation in June 2022 and has already given us a new view of the universe. Among several scientific programs carried out so far, the Early Release programs offer opportunities for the community to get familiar with new instruments by releasing data without a proprietary period. In this talk, I will start with an overview of several studies that identified (ultra)high-z galaxies from the JWST Early Release Observations. I will then introduce GLASS-JWST, one of the 13 Early Release Science programs, offering a wide range of science — cluster galaxies, galaxies at cosmic noon, and high-z galaxies. I will present early results obtained with two instruments, NIRISS, focusing on spectroscopic identification and characterization of emission line galaxies with its wide-field slitless spectroscopic mode, and NIRCam on the identification and characterization of early galaxies. Lastly, I will provide future prospects for data processing and upcoming observations.
2022/09/06 (Tue)
Data science for future astronomy
The field of machine learning and artificial intelligence have developed significantly in recent years and have attracted attention following the success of deep learning. The fields of data processing, which includes the above fields, statistics, optimisation theory, signal processing, are now called data science. In astronomy, future observations will provide data with different quantity and quality, thus, new methods of information processing are required. Therefore, data science will become undoubtedly important. Furthermore, since astronomy tries to infer a lot of information from limited observations, it is necessary not only to import data science methods but also to modify methods for your own goal. Through lectures, I would like to show examples of data science methods in astronomy and the basic idea of data science.
2022/10/03 (Mon)
Mariko Kubo (Tohoku University)
Massive quiescent galaxies and environments in the early Universe
Giant ellipticals are the dominant population of galaxy clusters, which
are characterized by large stellar masses, old stellar population, and
suppressed star formation. Protoclusters, which are thought to evolve into
clusters of galaxies today, have been studied to understand how and when
giant ellipticals have formed large stellar masses and stopped star
formation. In this talk, I will start with an overview of the
multi-wavelength observations of protoclusters to date. Then I will
present our discovery of a massive quiescent galaxy and an AGN with
significant ionized gas outflows found from the multi-wavelength
imaging/spectroscopic observations of a protocluster at z=3.1; they are
interesting snapshots of galaxies around the epoch of star formation
quenching. Finally, I will introduce the statistical approach to studying
protoclusters using multi-wavelength wide-field surveys.
2022/10/06 (Thu)
Gerhard Hensler (University of Vienna)
Shaping galaxies in the Virgo Cluster
Due to its proximity the Virgo Cluster serves as the best test bed for studying environmental effects on the
evolution of its galaxies by their mutual gravitational interaction and the influence of the intra-cluster medium
(ICM). This talk will focus on 2 large Virgo surveys based on different targets: 1) The SMAKCED (Stellar
content, MAss and Kinematics of Cluster Early-type Dwarfs, PI: Thorsten Lisker) survey combines imaging and
spectra of dwarf elliptical galaxies. It was dedicated to study their diversity in stellar kinematics, brightness
profiles, and chemistry, and tries to understand their various evolutionary paths within the cluster
environment. 2) Deep H-alpha images of the Virgo cluster field were taken by VESTIGE (A Virgo Environmental
Survey Tracing Ionised Gas Emission, PI: Alessandro Boselli) to trace the ionized gas component of galaxies
and decipher their mass loss and the distribution of the warm component within the ICM. For a deeper insight
into the processes acting on the galaxies, individual objects are compared with numerical simulations and
theoretical concepts.
2022/10/10 (Mon)
Hamid Hamidani (Tohoku University)
The Cocoon Breakout and Emission in Binary Neutron Star Mergers
In binary neutron star mergers, short gamma-ray bursts' jets are launched and propagate across the dynamical ejecta. Using 2D numerical simulations, we study the jet cocoon; the byproduct of the jet propagation across the dynamical ejecta. We follow the cocoon at later times after the jet breakout. Our results show that, the fraction of the cocoon that breaks out of the ejecta (in terms of mass and energy) is not substantial, with most of the cocoon being trapped inside the dynamical ejecta even at later times. This is in contrast with the cocoon of collapsar jets. In addition, we present an analytical model for the cocoon breakout. Our model is reasonably consistent with numerical simulations at predicting the properties of the cocoon after the breakout. Finally, we apply our analytic model to estimate the cocoon’s cooling emission, as an electromagnetic counterpart to gravitational waves from neutron star mergers, as well as other observational features.
2022/10/17 (Mon)
Hajime Ogane (Tohoku University)
Study for performance improvement of Laser Tomographic Adaptive Optics
Adaptive optics (AO) is a system that maximizes the performance of large ground-based telescopes by measuring and correcting the wavefront distortion of object light caused by turbulence in the Earth's atmosphere. In recent years, laser tomography adaptive optics (LTAO), which tomographically measures atmospheric turbulence using multiple laser guide stars and wavefront sensors has been actively developed and implemented. LTAO will enable higher precision in AO of 8-10 meter class telescopes and be essential in AO of 30-40 meter class telescopes.
Our team is developing the ULTIMATE-START, LTAO demonstration system for the Subaru Telescope. The performance goal of this system is RMS<100nm for the corrected wavefront. To achieve this goal, I propose and evaluate two fundamental technologies: (1) tomographic error reduction using prior information on atmospheric turbulence profile, and (2) use of sCMOS sensors as wavefront sensor detectors. In this presentation, I will present details of these two studies and my future work during Ph.D course.
2022/10/24 (Mon)
Naoaki Yamamoto (Tohoku University)
近傍宇宙では銀河の諸物理量 (色・年齢・星形成活動・形態など) は、銀河の周辺環境によって大きく異なることが知られている。例えば銀河団領域では進化の進んだ古く赤い銀河の割合が高いのに対して、一般フィールド領域では星形成が活発な若く青い銀河の割合が高いことが知られている。この銀河進化の環境依存性がいつ・どこで・どのように生じてきたのかについて過去に遡って理解を深めることは、銀河の形成や進化の歴史を紐解く上で非常に重要である。しかしながら遠方宇宙における環境依存性の研究は、銀河団のサンプル数が限られており統計的な調査が少ないという問題や、比較的進化の進んだ銀河団にバイアスされているという問題があった。そこで従来よりも視野が広く深い観測データが利用できる、超広視野撮像装置すばるHSCに着目し大規模な遠方銀河団探査を行うことにした。HSCに搭載された狭帯域フィルターで選択された輝線銀河を利用して、z~1.5の時代における若い星形成銀河の密度超過領域を探査した。さらに、これらの領域に付随したメンバー銀河候補を探すために、すばるHSCの可視光撮像データに加えUltra-VISTAなどの近赤外撮像データを使用した。このことにより、遠方宇宙においてさまざまな進化段階の銀河団を発見し、そこに存在する銀河の性質を調べることが可能になる。そして、銀河団の集積・成長と共に、銀河の星形成活動がどのように変遷し、現在の宇宙に見られるような銀河の性質の強い環境依存性が出来上がってきたのかを議論する予定である。
2022/10/31 (Mon)
Yuichi Harikane (University of Tokyo)
A Comprehensive Study on Galaxies at z~9-17 Found in the Early JWST Data
We conduct a comprehensive study on dropout galaxy candidates at z∼9−17 using the first 90 arcmin2 JWST/NIRCam images taken by the ERO and ERS programs. We carefully apply a secure photo-z selection criterion and conventional color criteria with confirmations of the ERO NIRSpec spectroscopic redshifts, and obtain a total of ~20 dropout galaxies at z∼9−17, including two candidates at zphot=16.45+0.09−0.32 and 16.66+1.86−0.34. We perform thorough comparisons of dropout galaxies found in our work with recent JWST studies, and conclude that our galaxy sample is reliable enough for statistical analyses. We derive the UV luminosity functions at z∼9−17, and confirm that our UV luminosity functions at z∼9 and 12 agree with those determined by previous HST and JWST studies. The cosmic star-formation rate density decreases from z∼9 to 12, and perhaps to 17, but the densities at z∼12−17 are higher than the constant star formation efficiency model. Interestingly, there are six bright galaxy candidates at z∼11−17 with MUV<−19.5 whose stellar masses are very high, 108−9Msun. Because a majority (∼70%) of them show no signatures of AGNs in their morphologies, the high cosmic star-formation rate densities and the existence of these stellar massive galaxies are explained by no suppression of star-formation by the UV background radiation at the pre-reionization epoch or an efficient UV radiation production by a top-heavy IMF possibly with Population III-like star formation.
2022/11/07 (Mon)
Kazuki Tokuda (Kyushu University)
Investigating the star formation process based on the low-metallicity Magellanic Clouds observations
Newborn stars launch bipolar outflows as their first cry, universally observed in the present star-forming regions. Previous outflow studies have mainly focused on the solar-neighborhood condition, and it is poorly understood whether such outflow-driving is expected in the low-metallicity environment, representing the earlier phase of the universe. Since the early ALMA's scientific operations, we have been actively observing molecular clouds and the associated protostellar objects in the low-metallicity Magellanic Clouds, whose metallicity is 0.2-0.5 times the solar value. In this presentation, I report the detection of molecular outflows for the first time in both Magellanic Clouds as an indicator to verify the universality of the star formation mechanism from dense cores to protostars. I also review recent ALMA studies of molecular clouds in the Magellanic Clouds, along with the outflow detection report.
2022/11/11 (Fri)
Rosemary Wyse (Johns Hopkins University)
The Old are Rich: Implications of the Old, Metal-Rich Milky Way
The inner regions of the Milky Way contain old, metal-rich stars, consistent with having formed in an early starburst. Indeed, most Galactic stars older than 8Gyr are more metal-rich than [Fe/H] ~ -0.5. Simulations of Milky Way-like galaxies in standard Cold Dark Matter dominated cosmological models fail to reach sufficiently high metallicities at early epochs, plausibly reflecting the low-mass and shallow potential wells of the sub-structures in which the ancient stars form. I will quantify this comparison between observations and predictions, using public datasets from two different simulation suites, and ages and metallicities for stars in our Galaxy. I will then interpret the results in the context of other indications of the rapid growth of Milky Way-like galaxies and their associated dark matter haloes, and tensions with the predictions of CDM on galactic scales.
2022/11/14 (Mon)
長谷川 樹(東北大学)
2022/11/21 (Mon)
鈴木 善久(東北大学)
現在の標準シナリオでは、天の川銀河 (MW) のような銀河は小銀河が重
として直接観測可能だからである。現状 MW 中心から20-30kpc以内のハローの構造お
本研究では、広視野(約1.8平方度)かつ深い測光(i < 26等)が特徴的なHSC-SSPの
2022/11/21 (Mon)
天崎 賢至(東北大学)
今後10年間に計画されているさまざまなCMB偏光観測精密測定で得られるミリ波データは、星間塵の物理の理解の深化につながるデータの宝庫でもある。それらを最大限に活用するためには、信頼度の高い星間塵放射モデルが必須である。ミリ波の星間塵放射に対しては、特に星間塵の温度分布が強い影響を与える。そのため、星間塵の温度分布を数値的に求める手法が提案されてきた。しかし、いずれのモデルも大半のVery Small Grain (VSG)の温度がCMB温度を大きく下回るという不自然な結果を示していた。
本研究では、「星間塵が放射する光子のエネルギーは、星間塵自身が持つ内部エネルギーを超えてはならない」という物理的要請(Internal Energy Bound, IEB)により、星間塵が放射できる光子のエネルギーが厳しく制限されることを示した。このIEBの効果は先行研究では考慮されていなかった。今回、IEBを考慮した星間塵の熱史を追うシミュレーションコードの開発を行い、星間塵の温度分布およびSEDに対するIEBの影響を初めて調べた。その結果、温度分布には先行研究で見られた数百Kの成分が確認されたほか、大半のVSGは10 Kに滞留することがわかった。これにより、大半のVSGがCMB温度以下になるという上記の問題が解消された。この10 K成分はミリ波域で超過放射を出す。そのため、今回の結果は星間塵放射のミリ波と中間赤外域での超過放射の強度に相関があることを予言する。
2022/11/28 (Mon)
室越 琳生(東北大学)
原始重力波起源のCMB Bモード観測のための前景除去における、星間物質によるCMBモノポールの吸収の影響
原始重力波起源のCMBのBモード偏光はインフレーションを検証するための最も強力なツールであるが、未だ検出されていない。その検出において、データに混入する星間放射などの前景成分の除去精度向上が最も大きな課題の一つとなっている。Nashimoto et al.(2020)は星間物質によるCMBモノポールの吸収がその検出に無視できない影響を及ぼすことを初めて指摘し、この効果をCMB shadowと名付けた。しかしながら彼らの結論は、オーダー評価に基づいた研究から引き出されている。CMB shadowが原始重力波起源のCMBのBモード偏光検出に与える影響を定量的に調べるには、シミュレーションで生成された擬似CMB観測マップに対して既存の成分分離コードを適応して、より現実的な状況で影響を定量評価することが必須である。そこで本研究では、まずCMB shadowが原始重力波起源のCMBのBモード検出にどのくらい影響を与えるかをマップベースで評価した。成分分離コードには、再電離バンプの測定で次世代CMB観測衛星LiteBIRDの測定目標が達成できることが報告されているDelta-map法を用いる。前景除去の過程でCMB shadowの影響を考慮しないと、原始重力波起源のCMBのBモード偏光が存在しない場合でも、有為な原始重力波起源のCMBのBモード偏光検出を報告してしまい、誤検出に繋がることを示した。また原始重力波起源のCMBのBモード偏光が存在する場合は、その強度を大幅に過大評価してしまうことも示した。さらに、Delta-map法を改良し、CMB shadowの影響を除去する具体的な前景除去方法を提示した。この手法によりCMB shadowの影響を適切に除去でき、LiteBIRDなどの次世代CMB偏光観測実験が目指す原始重力波起源のCMBのBモード偏光検出感度を達成できることを示した。本研究ではLiteBIRD実験を想定した大角度スケールに現れる再電離バンプの検出に焦点を当てて調べたが、地上観測を想定したより小さい角度スケールに現れる再結合バンプの検出に適用できるよう、Delta-map法に改良を加えることが今後の課題である。
2022/11/28 (Mon)
福地 輝(東北大学)
電波で明るいdust obscured galaxiesで探る超巨大ブラックホールへの超臨界ガス降着流とAGNフィードバックの理解
超巨大ブラックホール (SMBHs) が急速に成長する過程は活動銀河核 (AGN) として観測される。AGN活動は母銀河の成長に大きな影響を及ぼすと考えられており、電波で明るいAGNジェットによって星生成が抑制される可能性が指摘されている。これまでAGNジェットはブラックホール成長の最後のフェーズである低質量降着流に付随すると考えられてきたが、ブラックホールへの降着がエディントン限界を超えるような高降着率の系でも電波で明るいジェットやアウトフローが効率的に生成されると理論的に示唆されている。このエディントン限界を超えての成長はz>6で発見されている重たいクエーサーの起源の理解にも重要である。
可視-赤外線で非常に赤いカラーを持つdust obscured galaxies (DOGs) には、銀河合体に伴い急速に成長する SMBHs が存在すると予想され、一部のDOGsはエディントン限界を超えた降着を実現することでジェット活動を持つ可能性がある。そこで我々は Subaru-HSCと赤外線衛星WISEで得られたi-W4カラーを用いて得られたDOGs 約1300 天体とVLA/FIRST 電波カタログとのクロスマッチングを行うことで電波で明るい DOGs (radio-loud DOGs) 29 天体を発見した。SEDフィッティングを行い、エディントン比を見積もった結果、30%のradio-loud DOGsがエディントン限界に達し、その割合は電波で検出されていない DOGs (7%) とくらべて高いことがわかった。さらに、SDSS で分光観測されているradio-loud DOG 1天体については分光フィッティングを行い、エディントン限界を超えた降着流を実現していること、母銀河からの脱出速度を上回る高速の[OIII]アウトフローを持つことがわかった。よって、radio-loud DOGs はエディントン限界付近での急激な質量降着やAGNフィードバックについて理解するための有力天体と言える。
2022/12/05 (Mon)
星 篤志(東北大学)
大多数の銀河中心には観測と理論的観点から超大質量ブラックホール (SMBH) が存在すると考えられている。近傍の宇宙において、SMBH 質量 (MBH) と銀河のバルジ質量が強い正相関をもつことから、SMBH と銀河が共進化していることが示唆されている。しかし、SMBH と銀河がどのように相互作用を起こし、共進化がいつ、どのようなメカニズムで起きているか未だ議論が続いている状況である。本研究では、すばる望遠鏡 HSC-SSP サーベイ の Ultra Deep の COSMOS 領域におけるデータセットから、可視変光選択された低光度 (iAB ≤ 25.9) かつ高赤方偏移 (z ≤ 4.26) の AGN サンプルを用いて近傍の宇宙に限らず、SMBH 質量や降着率、母銀河の星質量 (M*) などの調査を行った。SMBH 質量をアーカイブ分光データから得られる広輝線と AGN 光度から 148 天体を推定し、 そのうち 4 天体は 0.7 < z < 2.1 において MBH < 107M☉ の SMBH であった。低質量の SMBH を高赤方偏移で同定することは、ブラックホールのシード (seed) から母銀河と共進化する (前の) 過程を調査する上で非常に重要であり、可視変光選択された AGN サンプルを用いることで遠方の低質量の SMBH を検出できることを実証した。 また可視変光選択された AGN から X 線で検出されなかった AGN を選択することで、各赤方偏移において低質量 SMBH が存在することが新たにわかった。しかし、高赤方偏移における低質量 SMBH は低光度で検出が難しくサンプル数が少ないので、すばる望遠鏡などを用いてサンプル数を増やしていく必要がある。また、AGN 成分と 母銀河成分を正確に分離して星質量を算出するために、X 線から電波までの測光データから CIGALE-v2022 を用いて SED フィットを行った。その結果、本サンプルにおける MBH − M∗ 関係の相関は比較的弱いことがわかり、 MBH/M∗ 比に関して赤方偏移の進化は MBH に強く依存していた。
2022/12/05 (Mon)
佐久間 昂太(東北大学)
星形成率が500 Msun yr-1 を超える極端に大きな星形成率を示す銀河は,サブミリ波などでの探査により赤方偏移1を超える宇宙では多数見つかっているが,より小さい赤方偏移の宇宙ではほとんど見つかっていなかった。このような銀河は可視域で暗く,これまでの広域探査では見逃され,統計的に過小評価されている可能性がある。
本研究では,赤外線天文衛星「あかり」の全天探査で得られた遠赤外線カタログに可視光SDSS および中間赤外線WISE のカタログを組み合わせ,15,545 個の遠赤外線天体のカタログを構築した。そのうち約半分の天体についてはSDSS のスペクトルから分光的赤方偏移の情報が得られたが,残りの天体については測光的赤方偏移の情報のみであった。測光的赤方偏移の情報から大きい星形成率が示唆される30 個の銀河について,私たちは,せいめい望遠鏡KOOLS-IFU を用いた追観測を行い,分光的赤方偏移を決定した。
遠赤外線銀河について,分光的及び測光的赤方偏移の情報に基づき,CIGALE を用いたスペクトルエネルギー分布フィッティングを行い,それぞれの星形成率の推定を行った。それらの星形成率は高いもので ∼ 3500 Msun yr−1に達することが確認できた。また,同じ共動体積となる赤方偏移のビン(0.1 < z < 0.4, 0.4 ≤ z < 0.51, 0.51 ≤ z < 0.62)をとって星形成率の分布を比較したところ,低赤方偏移側において高い星形成率(> 500 Msun yr−1)を示す銀河の数が減少することが分かった。今回見つかった中間赤方偏移にある極端に大きな星形成率を示す銀河は、高赤方偏移で多く見られる同様の星形成活動の物理的なメカニズムを紐解く上で鍵となる可能性がある。
2022/12/12 (Mon)
松井 理輝(東北大学)
GW170817 によって中性子星連星合体にはジェットが伴い、短い種族のガンマ線バー
スト(sGRB) が観測されることがわかったが、ジェットの生成機構や散逸領域の性質
は明らかになっていない。多くsGRB のX 線光度曲線では、100 秒から1000 秒程度に
渡ってExtended Emission と呼ばれる前進衝撃波からの放射では説明できない成分が
と考えられている。sGRB のジェットは中性子星連星合体で放出される物質の内部を
将来計画であるIceCube-Gen2 による観測可能性を検討した。ニュートリノ放射量の
果として、17 年間観測することで重力波に付随するニュートリノが観測される可能
2022/12/12 (Mon)
金 滉基(東北大学)
クホール近傍には強磁場降着流(Magnetically Arrested Disk; MAD)が形成されると
値などを再現する準解析的モデルを構築した。これを先行研究であるKimura et al.2
1の孤立ブラックホールMAD one-zoneモデルと組み合わせることで、さまざまなブラッ
2022/12/19 (Mon)
藤村 大夢(東北大学)
2022/12/19 (Mon)
赤澤 拓海(東北大学)
2023/01/16 (Mon)
Bing Theodore Zhang (Kyoto University)
The origin of VHE gamma-rays from GRBs
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are among the most luminous explosions in the Universe. In 2019, the detection of two TeV bursts, GRB 190114C and GRB 180720B, opened a new window in the VHE (> 0.1 TeV) band for studying GRBs. Recently, the detected hyper-bright GRB 221009A is among the most energetic and luminous bursts with the highest photon energy up to ~10 TeV, which provides us with new opportunities to investigate the nature of GRBs. In this talk, I will summarize the recent progress in the detection of VHE gamma-rays from GRBs and the related theoretical studies. In addition to the standard synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) process, I will discuss the role of the external inverse-Compton (EIC) process and proton synchrotron process, which may play an important role in the early afterglow phase. Our study shows that the detection of ~10 TeV photons provides strong evidence that GRBs could accelerate ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) in the reverse shock model. Finally, I will discuss how future detectors, such as Cherenkov Telescope Array, could help to constrain the particle acceleration and radiative processes of GRB afterglow.
2023/01/20 (Fri)
Brian Thorsbro (University of Tokyo)
Clues to galaxy evolution from chemical abundances of stars in the Galactic center
I present a detailed study of the composition of 20 M giants in the Galactic center with 15 of them confirmed to be in the nuclear star cluster. As a control sample 7 M giants in the Milky Way disk with similar stellar parameters have also observed. The observations show the first silicon abundance trends versus [Fe/H] for stars in the Galactic center. While finding a disk/bulge like trend at subsolar metallicities, the [Si/Fe] abundance is found to be enhanced at supersolar metallicities. It is possible to speculate on enrichment scenarios to explain such a trend, which can provide clues to galaxy evolution scenarios. Further, high resolution spectroscopy performed on stars in the nuclear star clusters that have been identified by Nishiyama et al. (2016) as possible intermediate-age stars will be presented.
2023/01/23 (Mon)
Kenneth Wong (NAOJ)
An Independent Measurement of H0 from Lensed Quasars
Strong gravitational lens systems with time delays between the multiple images are a powerful probe of cosmology, particularly of the Hubble constant (H0). This independent method is an important test of the recent tension between early-Universe and late-Universe measurements of H0. The TDCOSMO project has measured H0 from lensed quasars using deep Hubble Space Telescope and AO imaging, precise time delay measurements from dedicated monitoring observations, a measurement of the velocity dispersion of the lens galaxies, and a characterization of the mass distribution along the line of sight. Assuming well-motivated physical profiles for the lens galaxies, our latest results constrain H0 to be ~74 km/s/Mpc for a flat Lambda CDM cosmology, with a precision of ~2%. These results are consistent with independent determinations of H0 using type Ia supernovae calibrated by the distance ladder method, and are in >4-sigma tension with the results of Planck CMB measurements, hinting at possible new physics beyond the standard LCDM model and highlighting the importance of this independent probe. Relaxing our assumptions on the form of the lens galaxy mass profiles and only allowing kinematic constraints, we can constrain H0 to ~8% precision. Including information from external data sets can improve the precision to ~5%. Future observations to increase the sample size and control systematic uncertainties will be key to resolving the current tension in H0.
2023/01/30 (Mon)
Po-Wen Chang (Ohio State University)
Towards Powerful Probes of Neutrino Self-Interactions in Supernovae
Neutrinos remain mysterious. As an example, enhanced self-interactions (νSI) are allowed by laboratory, cosmology, and astrophysics data, and are frequently invoked to explain anomalies. In this talk, I will briefly review the current probes of νSI. I will then discuss the potential interplay between νSI and supernova neutrinos. For the high neutrino densities within core-collapse supernovae, νSI could be important, but robust observables have been lacking. We show that νSI make supernova neutrinos form a tightly coupled fluid that expands under relativistic hydrodynamics. The outflow becomes either a burst or a steady-state wind; which occurs here is uncertain. Though the diffusive environment where neutrinos are produced may make a wind more likely, further work is needed to determine when each case is realized. In the burst-outflow case, νSI increase the duration of the neutrino signal, and even a simple analysis of SN 1987A data has powerful sensitivity. For the wind-outflow case, we outline several promising ideas that may lead to new observables. Combined, these results are important steps towards solving the 35-year-old puzzle of how νSI impact supernovae.
2023/02/15 (Wed)
Keiichi Wada (Kagoshima University)
The contact region of the BLR and dusty torus
I will overview recent progress in the physics-motivated models of the obscuring tori and other primary components of AGNs, such as NLRs, polar dust emission and BLRs. The numerical models and radiative transfer simulations allow us to make realistic comparisons with high-resolution multi-wavelength observations from radio to X-ray over a wide range of spatial scales. I will focus especially on recent numerical modeling of the inner 0.1 pc of a Seyfert-like AGN, which is inside the dust-sublimation radius and the outer region of the broad line region.
FY2021 (#1645-#1675)
FY2020 (#1614-#1644)
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FY2014 (#1380-#1405)
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FY2012 (#1328-#1354)
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FY2010 (#1282-#1301)
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FY1996 (#827-#852)