[日時] 毎週月曜日15時から / [Date] Monday 15:00-
[場所] 合同C棟N507 大輪講室 / [Venue] Science Complex C N507
No |
Date |
Name |
Title |
1613 | 2019/02/18 (Tue) | Tilman Hartwig (Institute for Physics of Intelligence, U. Tokyo) | Machine Learning for Classification of Astronomical Data |
1612 | 2019/02/13 (Thu) | 上田佳宏 (京都大学) | X線・多波長観測で探る活動銀河核の構造と宇宙論的進化 |
1611 | 2019/01/06 (Mon) | Shinsuke Takasao (NAOJ) | Numerical Study of the Accretion Process onto Protostars |
1610 | 2019/12/23 (Mon) | 三好 貴大 (東北大学) | 銀河系衛星銀河の軌道解析と動力学進化 |
1609 | 2019/12/23 (Mon) | 井上 欣彦 (東北大学) | すばる望遠鏡RAVEN観測データによる大気揺らぎトモグラフィック測定の精度限界の評価 |
1608 | 2019/12/18 (Wed) 15:30 | Ingyin Zaw (NYU Abu Dhabi) | Probing the Innermost Parsec of AGN with Water Masers |
1607 | 2019/12/16 (Mon) | 鈴木 方隆 (東北大学) | 低金属度大質量星の脈動不安定性について |
1606 | 2019/12/9 (Mon) | 幅崎 裕太 (東北大学) | Mira型変光星の光度曲線のWavelet解析 |
1605 | 2019/12/9 (Mon) | 長尾 颯太 (東北大学) | ガンマ線バースト残光の偏光の波長依存性 |
1604 | 2019/12/4 (Wed) 15:30 | 内山 瑞穂 (国立天文台) | Infrared variability in massive young stellar objects |
1603 | 2019/12/2 (Mon) | 岡田 航平 (東北大学) | 三次元非等温円盤におけるタイプ1惑星移動 |
1602 | 2019/12/2 (Mon) | 山本 直明 (東北大学) | すばる超広視野カメラHSCと狭帯域フィルターで探る遠方銀河団 |
1601 | 2019/11/27 (Wed) | Ryosuke Hirai (Univ. of Oxford) | The multiple eruptions of Eta Carinae |
1600 | 2019/11/25 (Mon) | 大本 薫 (東北大学) | 補償光学装置の焦点面像を用いた非共通光路収差の推定 |
1599 | 2019/11/25 (Mon) | 木村 大希 (東北大学) | 遠方銀河団銀河の形態と星形成活動減衰の関係について |
1598 | 2019/11/14 (Thu) 10:00 | Kazuyuki Sugimura (Univ. of Maryland) | Formation of multiple Pop III stars under radiation feedback |
1597 | 2019/11/11 (Mon) | 大金 原 (東北大学) | すばる望遠鏡レーザートモグラフィ補償光学実現に向けた地球大気ゆらぎの高さ分布推定 |
1596 | 2019/10/29 (Tue) 16:30 | Kyohei Kawaguchi (ICRR) | Modeling gravitational waveforms and electromagnetic signals from neutron star binary mergers |
1595 | 2019/10/28 (Mon) | Rainer Schodel (Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia) | Near-infrared observations of the centre of the Milky Way |
1594 | 2019/10/21 (Mon) | Shigeo Kimura (Tohoku U.) | High-energy Neutrino and Gamma-ray Emissions from Accretion Flows in Active Galactic Nuclei |
1593 | 2019/10/17 (Thu) 16:30 | G. C. Anupama (Indian Institute of Astrophysics) | India's venture in the future large telescope project - the Thirty Meter Telescope |
1592 | 2019/10/09 (Wed) 15:30 | Jose Manuel Perez Martinez (Tohoku U.) | The evolution of kinematic scaling relations in clusters at 0.5 < z < 1.5 |
1591 | 2019/10/07 (Mon) | 早川 尚志 (大阪大学) | キャリントン・イベントと極端宇宙天気現象:同時代観測に基づく復元 |
1590 | 2019/09/19 (Thu) | 生駒 大洋 (東京大学) | 惑星系の多様性と成因の解明に向けて 〜新たな時代に入った系外惑星科学と我々の最近の研究について〜 |
1589 | 2019/09/06 (Fri) | 濱田 崇穂 (東北大学) | CMB偏光観測実験Simons Arrayのための新型レシーバーPOLARBEAR-2の開発 |
1588 | 2019/07/22 (Mon) | Taiki Kawamuro (NAOJ) | An X-ray and submm/mm spatially-resolved spectroscopy study of an AGN effect on host galaxies |
1587 | 2019/07/08 (Mon) | 福島 肇 (筑波大学) | 低金属量の大質量星形成 |
1586 | 2019/07/02 (Tue, 15:00-) | Yuki Tanaka (Tohoku) | Atmospheric Structures and Magnetically Driven Mass Loss of Close-in Gaseous Planets |
1585 | 2019/07/01 (Mon) | 梨本 真志 (東北大学) | 宇宙アモルファスダストの熱放射過程:AME起源の新たな可能性 |
1584 | 2019/06/24 (Mon) | 岩﨑 一成 (国立天文台) | 衝撃波が駆動する星間ガスの相転移ダイナミクス:分子雲の形成 |
1583 | 2019/06/17 (Mon) | Koki Terao (Tohoku U.) | Near-infrared spectroscopy of Seyfert galaxies for examining the ionization mechanism of narrow-line regions |
1582 | 2019/06/11 (Tue, 15:00-) | Mikio Morii (Institute of Statistical Mathematics) | Data Analysis of astronomical data using sparse modeling |
1581 | 2019/06/10 (Mon) | 高田 将郎 (東京大学) | 星震学の現状と展望 |
1580 | 2019/06/04 (Tue, 15:00-) | Renyue Cen (Princeton U.) | Computing the Universe: from Intergalactic to Interstellar Medium |
1579 | 2019/06/03 (Mon) | 吉崎 昂 (東北大学 地学) | 隕石の宇宙化学 |
1578 | 2019/05/28 (Tue, 15:00-) | Jowett Chan (Tohoku) | New Insight into Statistics of Void Sizes on Galactic Scales |
1577 | 2019/05/27 (Mon) | Kazunori Akiyama (MIT Haystack Observatory) | First Images of a Black Hole |
1576 | 2019/05/20 (Mon) | Wanqiu He (Tohoku) | Probe the early growth of massive black holes with the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam wide field imaging |
1575 | 2019/05/13 (Mon) | Takuma Izumi (NAOJ) | A less-biased view of the early co-evolution of black holes and host galaxies |
1574 | 2019/04/23 (Tue, 10:30-) | Giovanni Mirouh (University of Surrey) | Asteroseismology of fast-rotating stars: the contribution of two-dimensional calculations |
1573 | 2019/04/22 (Mon) | Alvio Renzini (INAF, Padova) | Bulge Formation in the Milky Way and in High Redshift Galaxies |
1572 | 2019/04/15 (Mon) | Xiaoyang Chen (Tohoku) | A statistic study on the co-evolution of SMBHs and star formation activities in ULIRGs selected from SDSS-WISE-AKARI/Herschel catalog |
1571 | 2019/04/08 (Mon) | Miho Ishigaki (Tohoku) | Element production by supernovae across the cosmic time probed by metal-poor stars |
1570 | 2019/04/01 (Mon) | Karl Glazebrook (Swinburne) | Massive galaxies at cosmic dawn |